Swissmetal Industries SA
Where are we located

Where are we located

Production site in Reconvilier (headquarter)

Bernese Jura – Switzerland.

Grand-Rue 6, 2732 Reconvilier, Switzerland

The production site of Reconvilier specializes in small diameters of wires and rods.

Production site in Dornach (branch)

Solothurn – Switzerland.

Weidenstrasse 50, 4143 Dornach, Switzerland

The production site of Dornach specializes in complex and high precision profiles.

We produce in a small country, but our products go around the world.


Swissmetal Industries - Location - Reconvilier & Dornach

Geneva-Basel 250 km / Zurich-Basel 85 km / Basel-Dornach 13 km / Dornach-Reconvilier 60 km / Geneva-Reconvilier 170 km / Zurich-Reconvilier 130 km